A Grateful Artist

Hello, my name is Denise LeGore Jones and I’m a weirdo. There, I’ve said it, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

I’ve always been weird. For example, I collect weird things. The first is old abandoned dolls. I treat them well, in case they are haunted. My second collection, which seems to get me strange stares when I tell people, is that of dead bugs. I keep them in little baggies in a box in the closet. No, I don’t kill them, that would be terrible, they are already dead when I find them. I photograph the bugs and the dolls, they inspire me.

I also love weird art. I grew up being heavily influenced by my dad (who is a great artist). He instilled in me a love of all weirdo things. I am truly grateful for him passing down both his love of weird and the ability to create art. Thanks Dad!
While I’m at it, I must thank my younger sister who even now advocates for me and my art. Thanks Nelly!

It took me years to find the courage to "put myself out there", but now that I have, I couldn’t be more excited. This store means so much to me. I am thrilled to be able to share my work in a way that can help others express themselves. I am so grateful for all the support of my family and friends, and to you, the weirdo community. This is my dream come true!